Wednesday 9 January 2008

Happy Nude Year!

I've listened to exactly 666 different songs on my iTunes. Spoooooooky!

Sorry for the massive, massive gap in posting recently. Now I've decided not to delete it after all and maybe to revamp it to breathe some life into it there will be much more of the self-depreciating humour and nerdish enthusiasm that all 4 of you know and love so much.

Here's to a blogtastic 2008!



Chris JC said...

It's nearly 3am

I'm quite thirsty

I've just downloaded an ancient album by German types "Splash Band" consisting of disco remixes of the film music of John Carpenter

I'm not sure what else to do to make my evening stranger

Chris JC said...

Let's write a chord sequence - I'll start you off with F#m.

Let's get up to eight chords and just strum them round and round. Virtual Jam!

Horatio Outside said...

Right, your next chord is E.

Chris JC said...


Although this will obviously limit where you can go next - I reckon I probably know where (at least without making a ear-defying leap).

This is great - it's like musical chess.

And NOT like the musical, "Chess".