Tuesday 28 April 2009

Hip To Be Square

Aagh, can't stop the puns...

As people who know me well wall know, I like to consider myself as a hipster (some differing definitions here, for those of you who somehow don't know what it means). Basically, although the word has a lot of negative connotations I consider it as mostly a positive thing and am proud to call myself a hipster (I'm possibly trying to reclaim it, I don't know).

Anyway I was sitting in my room recently and it occurred to me that's it become a hipster den, of sorts. To find out why, have a special photo-heavy edition of Music Is My Boyfriend!

Contents of My Room:

First of all, the most important thing to a hipster (or muso, if you prefer) is their music. Because I'm conscientious, and I value the physical product, my room is stacked with CDs bloody everywhere, which wins me lots of hipster points. Observe:

Also visible: a root beer bottle (bought from a shop that specialises in imported candy, no less), and a Bill Hicks DVD. That wall of CDs on the left is two deep, by the way.

I really wasn't lying about the number of CDs I own. Also notice rad Nick Cave poster. Other awesome band posters in my room:

Magik Markers
The Hospitals
Erase Errata
Comets on Fire
Black Dice
A poster for the first Hands of Cuba gig
Plus an Achewood (webcomic) poster

On a similar musical note, I have strewn about my room:

2 basses
1 guitar
a ukulele
a drum machine
a very old keyboard (under my bed)

Hipsters also love their retro video games, right?

This gamecube is sadly not mine, but I like the way it is perched atop a load of graphic novels, and two amps. I have a good number of graphic novels in my room (but would really like some more!), and a few music books, as we have seen.

I also think this particular item adds particular hipster points to my room:

This was made for me, by my wonderful Seb, out an old t-shirt of my dad's which I loved, and which sadly fell apart one day. But I'm glad it can live on as a cushion.

Finally, to top it all off, this is what I'm wearing today:

(Note the hipster-friendly beard). The t-shirt actually assures me that it is an "EarthPositive T-shirt... manufactured solely using renewable green energy from wind and solar power". I think my ascent into hipsterdom is sealed.

So what hipster items do you have in your room(s)? What does my room need to really give it that extra push? My friend Pat suggested it needed more ashtrays and half-empty ramen bowls, but I'm sure you can come up with better suggestions.


One Bird Records said...

Without stacks of seven inches and loads of post-existentialist books, you're essentially an NME reader. I, of course, base my feng shui on said items.

WWWWT said...

what you really need is an NES rather than a gamecube, and maybe a bit more irony.

I am a hipster because of my tight pants and obscure taste in music. I do not have a beard or a ukulele though, so you are definitely a step ahead. Although I have more old video games.

Horatio Outside said...

Nat: I have a Trail of Dead picture disc, an EP by a friend's band, and an early Pipette's 7". Also a copy of Camus' "The Plague" on my bookshelf. How's that?

Tobi: Have an N64, but is is broken.

One Bird Records said...

You have a PhD in Hipsterology. Definitely.

Chris JC said...

I declare that the Gamecube is mine. If you get bored I can swap it for one of my two NESs ad lend you The Adventures of Rad Gravity.