Tuesday 21 April 2009

News (But No Tributes)

Hahaha, I have used that joke before, but I don't care.

Anyway, I have some ever-so-marginally exciting news about my blog, and for once it's not me stopping/restarting it. As anyone who's read any of it will know, I'm forever whining about how few people read it etc. To combat that I have come with a genius idea that will hopefully give my blog more of a structure, and thus make me happier to link to it/pimp it out all over the internet.

Basically my local Oxfam music shops is pretty awesome (as demonstrated by the amount of stuff I buy from there, some of which I've documented here). I've decided to every week - maybe more often, I'm not sure - buy something from there and review it on here. It might be something I've wanted for a while, something I've heard good things about, or just something completely random. It'll only cost me about £5 and it all goes to charity so is ultimately going towards a good cause. Of course my usual ramblings will still be present (and I've got plenty planned) but I'm hoping this will give Music Is My Boyfriend more of a "point" and purpose.

Alongside that I'm looking to redesing the site, to make it look a bit fresher and more contemporary. I've asked Seb to do that (he has some pretty good design skills), so hopefully there'll be news on that once his pre-term exams are done. Perhaps I'll change the name as well, but I don't want to change TOO much at once!

Anyway, I'm mildly excited about this and hope to have the first installment of my new idea up soon (this week ideally).


1 comment:

Chris JC said...

That's an excellent idea. I suggest you practice by reviewing Amarok. I'm pushing that a bit aren't I?

Turns out both the Oldfield things I mentioned yesterday (Irish whiskey caveman singing and loud musical stabs on Amarok) are from the same place, a Mojo article from 1998 which someone has kindly reproduced with only a few typos, here.