Monday 4 May 2009

Best Supergroup Ever

It has been brought to my attention tonight that if I were to form a band comprised of musicians who share my birthday it would include, alongside myself:

Neal Peart, drummer for the prog giants Rush
Ben Folds, of the Ben Folds Five and solo fame


Barry White (hey, I'm already stretching the boundaries of plausability)
Oh, and Maurice Chevalier (singer of "Thank Heaven For Little Girls")

It would certainly be an interesting sound. I'm almost tempted to try and record a song based on what I think that collaboration would sound like, although that might mean I'd have to try and imitate my own musical style, which is quite a freakishly meta thought.

Things have been a little quiet on the review front, but I rdid review the Sonic Youth gig at the Scala. ( I basically said exactly the same as in my previous post, but in more words. I hope you enjoy it anyway.

Also, I promise a more substantial update soon. I've just not felt like it today.


Horatio Outside said...

We could also have one of America, as in the "Horse With No Name" band.

Garni said...

A meta-thought would be a thought about a thought. We have those all the time. I'm having one now, and another, second guessing my hearer/reader. Linguistics is a mindshag.