Tuesday 19 May 2009

Inside My Stupid Brain

First of all, check out my epic ATP review right here: http://mymusos.com/all-tomorrows-parties-vs-the-fans-part-ii-the-fans-strike-back/4557. I swear I've written essays shorter than it, so it would be very nice if some of you could read it.

In other news I'm thinking about trying to do some home recording. I've been really wanting to make some Noise Rock-type stuff after seeing The Jesus Lizard and I figure some rubbish lo-fi home recordings would sound alright and get that kind of rough Big Black/early Godflesh or Swans feel. So I'm scouring ebay for cheap 4 tracks. Any advice would be nice as well.

In celebration of the fact that I come up with about a million band names every day, here are some other projects I've been thinking of forming.

Pangolin - a Tortoise/Trans Am/Stereolab style melodic (but not so far towards the epic) post-rock group, with slightly complex, fiddly guitar lines. I've written some stuff for it, but I'm not sure I'm a good enough guitarist to do it properly yet. Plus pangolins are well cute.

Crushosaur - I made up this name after hearing about the metal band Bongzilla, and deciding that no name I could think of would be sillier. We would be pretty silly but massively rocking stoner rock stuff. I've written some stuff for this and it sounds pretty good. I can't not use that name, anyway.

Colossus - Like Crushosaur, but a little bit more experimental/serious. We'd probably slow things down and make things a bit doomy as well. We'd definitely be the one to make 12-minute epic.

Surgeons/Electric Barbarossa - One of my ultimate aims. We'd be an experimental rock/psychedelic rock/krautrock influenced outfit, but with lots of broader influences and, again, more opportunities for long songs and whatnot. Basically I just want to be Oneida, so much.

Also, please don't steal any of these names, unless you can do the projects much better than me. Which is pretty likely, actually.

1 comment:

Chris JC said...

I read it!

I'm hugely out of touch with almost everyone you mentioned, but I read it!