Tuesday 11 December 2007

Christmas Is Awesome

Surprise video fun for you all today. Take a look at this. In case you can't be bothered to read the blurb English metallers Reuben have released a Christmas song in the hope of there being a decent Christmas number one this year. They probably won't succeed but I would dearly love it to so please download it. It's available on iTunes from 17th of December.

It would be churlish if I didn't, at some point, talk about Christmas songs. I've been thinking and I can only think of three good Christmas songs so far. They are "Fairytale of New York" (no surprises there) "Christmas Wrapping" by The Waitresses and Mike Oldfield's "In Dulci Jubilo" (this is maybe my guilty Christmas pleasure, although it does have an awesome guitar solo). As far as I'm concerned, though I suspect you don't need me to tell you this, all other Christmas songs are mawkish, tatty, or just generally bad for one reason or another. There are less well known bands who have made good ones, such as Xfm's Christmas compilation or Low's Christmas album, but you're unlikely to hear those blasting out in Debenhams.

Incidentally I was quite glad when Gary Jules' version of "Mad World" got to number one. I prefer the original but it really pissed off Justin Hawkins from The Darkness, and meant his band's dismally depressing effort didn't win.

I also need to shit off the part of my brain that makes stupid suggestions. Today I came up with the idea of doing an album called "A Very Doomy Christmas" and, amazingly, the more I think about it the more I like it. Any ideas how this could be done?


Chris JC said...

I can (and do) listen to Jubilo all year around. For me the best thing about the guitar solo is it's got a couple of fluffs in it, and yet Oldfield chose not to fix them, meaning it's endearingly home-made.

My wife is backing Malcolm Middleton's "We're All Gonna Die" for the thing-you-want-to-be-Christmas-number-one-but-won't-be-because-of-The-X-Factor

Don't let the bells end!

Chris JC said...

I knew I shouldn't have done that many hyphens...

Anonymous said...

What about the Bright Eyes Christmas album?

Anonymous said...

"364 Days" by Murder City Devils.