Friday 7 December 2007

Suffer For Fashion

I went and saw Of Montreal at ULU last night and they were fabulous.

It was especially good given that I've not been to a gig for ages, and hardly any this year at all. I don't know why, I've just kind of not been bothered with live music, which is especially odd given that I've been unusually good at listening to new music this year. The best gig I went to was probably The Earlies, back in May, which was excellent because there were only about 20 fans there and the band clearly felt a bit more relaxed and thus arsed around a fair amount.

Anyway, last night. Despite almost being ruined by twattish fans (and I don't have time to go into all the different types of idiots you encounter at gigs but it should suffice to say that these were the sort who forcibly push their way past you and then jump around in a very aggravating manner) it was an excellent night. The band were all very pretty, and it was pointed out that the keyboardist/bassist/drummer looked an awful lot like me (hooray!). They also too the extremely brave move of opening with a 12 minute dark, throbbing electro song basically detailing the singer's mental breakdown. Best of all at one point said singer disappeared off stage for a costume change and reappeared in the most absurdly gay (yet sexy) outfit I've ever seen. *Sigh*

Actually best of all was that it reignited my passion for creating music, which all good gigs should do. Campy electro indie-pop ahoy!

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