Wednesday 4 March 2009

Run Run Run

In other news, I have started going to the gym, so I can feel virtuous. Well done me, etc.

More interestingly, I have been asked to make a Mix CD to put on while everyone works out, as an alternative to all the terrible trance they have on usually. Now, while I love making Mix CDs, I may need some help with this one, as there are a number of restrictions. Firstly, it has to have a good beat (obviously). Secondly, it has to err very much on the side of accessible. Thirdly, and I really cannot stress this enough, the songs have to be good. I can be a bit of an opinionated prick at times, but I will try not to send too much opinionated prickery your way when you suggest things.

I've only got a couple of ideas so far ("Tiny Sticks" by ESG and "Why Are People Grudgeful?" by The Fall), but apart from those, and a vague temptation to stick some Slayer in, I'm struggling. So people of the internet, I need YOU! Help me get fitter and stronger* whilst also listening to good songs.

*Ooh Daft Punk might be a good idea.

1 comment:

Chris JC said...

That reminds me - I must play you the live version of Run Like Hell.