Saturday 10 November 2007

Living For The Future

There's a new Futureheads song available for download and it's actually pretty good; it's more in the vein of stand alone single "Area", and it is available on their website ( And yes, it does sound rather a lot like the "Have I Got News For You" theme tune.

Personally I was very disappointed by "News and Tributes". I was a massive, massive fan of the first album, and it was basically all I listened to over Summer 2004. However the follow up jusr seemed to lack any of what made their debut so unique and brilliant (quirky and interesting song structures, 4-part vocal harmonies, tremendous energy etc.) and seemed to be aimed at "Futureheads-lite" fans who only liked "Hounds of Love". I kept trying to defend it, not wanting to believe that one of my favourite new bands had made such a bland, uninteresting follow up.

However two things convinced me it was really a wash-out. Firstly my old band covered "Skip To The End" (though the less said about that, the better) for a competition and we realised how little the band had done with the basic song structure. Secondly it occurred to me that if another band had realised the album, say as their debut, I wouldn't have given it nearly as much attention and would just have dismissed it as boring NME-fodder.

But if "Broke Up The Time" is anything to go by, being dropped by the label has given them the kick up the arse they need, and they can resume doing what they do best. But we shall only see when the third album comes out.

I really do hope it's good.


Anonymous said...

I think our cover of Skip To The End was much better than the original!

Horatio Outside said...

It was certainly more interesting. Like the Futureheads and a No-Wave band locked inside a concrete mixer. Or something.

At least it taught us a lot about recording. Man we spent a lot of time on that.