Thursday 15 November 2007

Sounds like...

On a lighter, less self indulgent, note the new LCD Soundystem arrived in my pigeonhole today (because I ordered it, not because a mysterious dance-punk benefactor put it there) and it's really, really good. So good, in fact, that I've listened to the whole thing 3 times since about half past four. I love it when that happens.

In other news I've listened to the tracks we're supposed to be working on tomorrow and I reckon I can easily come up with something. I'll just have to fight the urge to add gratuitous slapping and popping. It's not a funk band, so such things will almost certainly be frowned upon.


Chris JC said...

Try trills.

There's not enough trilling on bass.

Unless I'm playing.

Horatio Outside said...

Trilling and unnecessarily long slides are where it's at. Those will be my secret weapons.

And octaves aplenty. I can turn ANYTHING into disco!